

Zverejnené 28.02.2013


European School of Nuclear Medicine   10th – 11th of May, 2013, Prague

10th of May (Friday)

  9:00 12:00    New technologies in SPECT-PET Instrumentation

                                                                           A. Irwin, London

14:00 – 17:00    PET/CT in Oncology

                                                                           A. Chiti, Milan

11th of May (Saturday)      

  9:00 – 12:00    SPECT/CT in Oncology

                                                                  CA. Hoefnagel, Amsterdam

14:00 – 17:00    Radionuclide therapy

                                                                  M.P.M.Stokkel, Amsterdam

17:00 – 18:00    MCQ Examination, Closing the Seminar


Organiser:               ESNM

Local organiser:     Jozef Kubinyi, MD, PhD., FEBNM
                                   VFN Praha, Department of Nuclear Medicine

U Nemocnice 5, 128 53 Praha 2, Czech Republic

E-mail: esnm.prague@seznam.cz

Venue:                      Hotel ILF, Prague (www.hotel-ilf.cz). Metro station Budejovicka

Lectures:                 Congress Hall, Hotel ILF

Language:               English

Arrival:                      9th of May afternoon

Registration fee:    30 EURO or 900 Czech Crowns, payable in cash at registration

Accommodation:   Hotel ILF, Prague (www.hotel-ilf.cz). Registration fee includes 3 nights                                  in double-rooms with full board (from 10th morning to 12th morning).

Local Organiser will not cover travel expenses, insurance or any other extra expenses.

Application:             Only by e-mail to the Local organiser: esnm.prague@seznam.cz

                                    Please, apply as soon as possible. Cancellation deadline: 15th of April.

Registration:           9th of May, 17:00 – 20:00 at the Hotel ILF (reception). It is also possible                               to register on the 10th of May just before the Seminar lectures.

Parking:                   Possible at the hotel parking (near Hotel ILF), parking cards are                                            available at the reception (150 Czech Crowns per day, not sponsored).

Farewell party:       11th of May evening, after MCQ examination (sponsored).

More information:  Jana Krajnakova, e-mail: esnm.prague@seznam.cz

Registration is on the “first come, first served” basis!