
Challenges for Radiological Protection for the next 50 Years.

Zverejnené 11.10.2012

Challenges for Radiological Protection for the next  50 Years.

International Symposium of the Belgian Association on the occasion of our 50th anniversary in April 2013 in Brussel

International Symposium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection BVS-ABR Member of the International Radiation Protection Association IRPA 

Challenges for Radiological Protection for the next 50 Years 1963 - 2013, 8-10 April 2013, Brussels, Belgium www.bvsabr.be/50Y



Radiation protection, both as a multidisciplinary science and as an attitude, has largely contributed to the protection of man and the environment against the potential harm of ionising radiation and radioactivity, yet allowing their beneficial, justified use. It covers a wide range of domains and applications related to the development and operation of nuclear and radiation related technologies. In many countries, nuclear technology is used for energy production and industrial purposes. The most widespread application is in medicine, where it is daily used for medical diagnoses and therapy. Around the globe, a legacy of past activities, mainly related to military activities, to accidents and especially to mining and NORM material activities has to be dealt with.

Over the past decades, professionals active in the domain of radiation protection have contributed to the development of legislation and regulations, to monitoring and control, to modelling and prediction of consequences and to the assessment of risks. Judgements dealing with justification of applications and optimisation of protection have become of increasing importance.

The scientific and industrial community has benefited in many ways from work of international bodies such as the radiation protection organisations IRPA, ICRP, etc. In the same context, the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection BVS-ABR has played an important role in disseminating information, providing advice and raising awareness over the past 50 years. On the occasion of its 50th anniversary, a golden jubilee, the BVS-ABR organises a symposium, not only to commemorate its history and to celebrate, but also to focus on remaining issues and challenges for the future. These challenges are multiple: how to deal with the rapid evolution of technology? How to raise awareness and to guarantee adequate protection without taking away the large benefits of the use of ionising radiation for society, especially in the medical field? How to attract young professionals to the field? How to clarify the role and responsibilities of the Radiation Protection Expert? How to learn from accidents? How to engage with society?

During this symposium, a number of key note lectures will set the scene. This input will be complemented by oral and poster communications with a broad professional audience.

Practical organisation


The 50th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection will be held at the Hotel Metropole where took place in 1911 the first Solvay Council The symposium will take place in Brussels in the famous Hotel Metropole, 31 Place de Brouckere. Hotel Metropole is a historic place in the heart of Brussels. Indeed, in 1911, at this very place and upon invitation of the Belgian industrialist Ernest Solvay, the first high level international scientific meeting 'Conseil Solvay' was organised, with presence of renown people such as Einstein, Rutherford, Brillouin and Marie Curie.


The symposium will start on Monday 8 April 17.00 with registration and the 50th anniversary dinner including an academic session with a presentation by Paul Hublet, co- founder of IRPA and BVS-ABR “1963: l'esprit, l'atmosphere et la nécessité de créer des organisations qui représentent la radioprotection: ABR et IRPA”.

The scientific symposium will start on Tuesday 9 April at 9.00 till Wednesday 10 April, 17.00. It will include two plenary and two parallel sessions, and offer opportunities for poster exhibition and informal exchange.

Travel and Hotel accommodation

Hotel Metropole is situated in the centre of Brussels. Brussels can easily be reached by airplane to Brussels National Airport (and further connection by train) or Charleroi Brussels South airport (and further connection by bus). It also has fast train connections to major cities in France (Paris, Lille), the UK (London), Germany (Köln and Frankfurt) and the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Schiphol Airport). Most of the international trains arrive at Bruxelles Midi railway station (Brussel Zuid), connected to the town centre by train and metro. The hotel is within walking distance from Brussels Central Station. Car parks are also available in the vicinity of the hotel.

Brussels is an international city offering a wide range of hotel accommodation. Participants can easily make reservations via the common reservation channels and websites, or via Brussels Tourism, www.visitbrussels.be .

Registration fees

Symposium fee Until 15 February 2013 200 €
After 15 February 2013 250 €
50th anniversary dinner 80 €

Details and discounts for BVS-ABR members, students and retired people are available at the symposium website:
www.bvsabr.be/50Y under Registration

The symposium fee includes a cocktail reception, coffee and lunches on 9-10 April and the closing coffee on 10 April.
Accompanying persons are welcome to attend the 50th anniversary dinner on 8 April.

Social programme

As the conference is organised in the centre of Brussels, there are plenty opportunities to participate to cultural events, to visit musea or to go shopping. If there is sufficient interest, visits to the historical cities of Ghent and Mons will be organised on Monday afternoon 8 April. Further tourist information can be found on the website of Brussels Tourism, www.visitbrussels.be


The scientific symposium on 9-10 April will be in English.
The academic session during the 50th anniversary dinner on 8 April will be in English with French and Dutch contributions.

Scientific symposium

The 25th anniversary of the Belgian Association for Radiological Protection was held at the Erasmus House in Brussels (Anderlecht) on 7 October 1988


Scientific Committee

  • Chair: Frank Hardeman
  • IRPA: Renate Czarwinski
  • SFRP: Alain Biau, Valérie Chambrette, Henri Métivier
  • NVS: Yuri Franken, Peter de Jong
  • FS: Jan-Willem Vahlbruch
  • BVS-ABR: Gilbert Eggermont, Augustin Janssens, Pierre
  • Kockerols, Jean-Paul Samain, Patrick Smeesters and
  • Hans Vanmarcke

Local Organising Committee

  • Chair: Mark Loos
  • Andrzej Polak, Michel Sonck, Hans Vanmarcke, Claire
  • Stiévenart, Véronique Mertens and Frank Hardeman

Key note lectures

  • Member of the BVS-ABR: 50 years of Radiation Protection: a look-back 
  • Augustin Janssens, EC: Evolution of legislation in the near future 
  • Prof. Eliseo Vano, Spain: Challenges of medical developments for Radiation Protection
  • Jacques Lochard, France: Challenges for Radiation Protection in a Changing Society
  • Renate Czarwinski, IRPA: Regulatory challenges in various contexts
  • Steve Ebdon-Jackson, UK: Radiation Protection and Safety in Medical Applications
  •  Astrid Liland, Norway: Lessons Learnt from incidents and accidents including Fukushima
  • Patrick Smeesters, Belgium: Societal issues in a context of radiation protection

Symposium topics

. The evolution of guidance and regulations in a changing society In a near future, both the European Commission and the IAEA will publish their new Basic Safety Standards. This will now cover all exposure situations, including emergencies and existing exposure situations resulting from natural radiation sources.

. Societal issues in radiation protection

In many countries, ionising radiation and radioactivity are perceived negatively by the population, which at the same time sees no harm in their use for medical applications and is not aware of the exposure to natural radiation sources. The evolution of nuclear energy production is country-dependent, and the perception of radioactive waste remains an issue. Topics open for debate: stakeholder involvement, ethics, perception and decision making, communication and information, transparency . The impact of medical applications of ionising radiation, present situation and future trends Medical exposures to ionising radiation are increasing worldwide. One may wonder whether the justification and optimisation approaches are systematically implemented in daily practice. New issues such as patient doses from hybrid imaging systems, eye lens doses received by medical staff etc. also merit discussion and debate. . Lessons learnt from incidents and accidents (medical and nuclear sectors)

The lessons learnt from Fukushima and from the Chernobyl contaminated areas, more than 25 years after the accident, are of significance to policy makers. Less known are accidents in the industry, mainly in radiography, and in medical therapy. What lessons can be learnt? How to avoid accidents? How to deal with contaminated areas? . How to raise interest of young people for radiation protection? In many countries, the interest of youngsters in scientific studies is limited, and multidisciplinary sciences such as radiation protection have even more problems to attract people. How to make radiation protection attractive? What Education/Training is needed?

Call for abstracts

Those interested in contributing to the symposium are invited to submit a one-page abstract by 20 November 2012, and to indicate whether they prefer an oral or poster contribution. The template can be downloaded from the website www.bvsabr.be/50Y under Call for abstracts.


Abstracts and presentations will be published on the website of the BVS-ABR. A book of abstracts will be distributed to the participants at the registration. Authors interested in publishing a full paper are encouraged to submit their contribution for inclusion in a special issue of the Annals of the Belgian association for Radiological Protection.

Important dates and deadlines

  • 1 Oct 2012 First announcement and call for abstracts
  • 20 Nov 2012 Deadline for abstracts
  • 20 Jan 2013 Notification to authors
  • 15 Feb 2013 Deadline for early registration
  • 1 March 2013 Second announcement and final programme
  • 8-10 Apr 2013 International symposium