
UEMS Training Requirements for the Specialty of Nuclear Medicine

Zverejnené 28.06.2017

Vážené kolegyne a kolegovia, 

UEMS vydalo nové štandardy pre špecializáciu v odbore nukleárna medicína, ktoré nájdete v Dokumentoch po prihlásení sa svojím loginom a heslom. Príjemné čítanie. 

S pozdravom, 

Andrej Vondrák

Dear UEMS/EBNM National Delegate and Deputy,

we are happy to announce herewith that during the Council of the UEMS held in Tel-Aviv April 26-28, the Training Requirements for the Specialty of Nuclear Medicine have been discussed and officially endorsed.


Therefore find enclosed the effectual Training Requirements for the Speciality of Nuclear Medicine. This document derives from the previous Chapter 6 of the Training Charter and provides definitions of specialist competencies and procedures as well as how to document and assess them. It aims to provide the training requirements not only for trainees, but also for trainers and training institutions.


Compared with the previous version, hybrid imaging is now fully integrated in the content of training with regard to both the theoretical knowledge and the practical and clinical skills. The document also contains appendices that list the nuclear medicine diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed in the European Union.


We would kindly ask you to spread out the attached document amongst the members of your National Society so everyone is  aware of the current version of the ETRs.


For any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.


Kind regards Michaela Bartaun