
11th International LOWRAD Conference

Zverejnené 10.09.2012

“The Effects of Low Doses and Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation on Human Health and Biotopes”
17 - 18 December 2012, Lyon, France

11th International LOWRAD Conference

“The Effects of Low Doses and Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation on Human Health and Biotopes”
17 - 18 December 2012, Lyon, France


Organized by

Groupe de Radiobiologie, UMR1052 Inserm

Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon

Low Radiation International Network

World Council of Nuclear Workers

Dear Colleagues,

The health consequences of accidental, occupational, and medical exposure to ionizing radiation is a matter of concern to clinicians, nuclear workers as well as each individual. While there is a considerable increase of applications involving ionizing radiation and societal debates about the risks linked to radiation exposure, molecular, cellular, and clinical features of radiation response are still misknown. This is particularly the case of radiation low–dose exposure.

The aim of this conference is to present and discuss the latest research results concerning the health effects of exposure of humans and other living organisms to low and very low doses of ionizing radiation. The conference aims to present state-of-the-art scientific research from leading experts in the field and to make the findings accessible to specialists and non-specialists who work with or are otherwise concerned about low dose exposures. Main speakers from academic institutions will present basic scientific results and will be joined by regulators, clinicians and health physicists, whose job it is to interpret the basic science and formulate and implement protection policy for individuals exposed during their work, in their environment or as a result of medical treatments. There is an open call for submitted papers and posters and young scientists and interested non-specialists are especially encouraged to present posters or short talks to the conference.

Accurate knowledge about low level radiation exposures is of major importance for the future of medical imaging and environmental radiation protection. It also contributes to the debate about future world energy options. Two pitfalls must be avoided: fuelling unjustified anxiety on doubtful bases or underestimating the risks associated with exposure to ionizing radiation. Only independent and careful research can lead to answers. Only effective communication about this research to stakeholders can make a practical difference.

I am pleased to welcome you in Lyon, a town where pioneer experiments of radiobiology and radiotherapy have been done by Despeignes, Regaud, or Lacassagne and wish you a very pleasant and constructive congress.

Chairman of the Conference:

Dr. Nicolas Foray (INSERM)

Main topics

  • Adaptive response
  • Biological effect of environmental and extraterrestrial UV radiation
  • Biomarkers of low dose exposure
  • Bystander effects
  • Cell cycle control and apoptosis
  • Childhood radiation exposure
  • Charge migration in DNA/Proteins
  • Computer simulation and modelling for low dose radiation risk
  • Delayed and epigenetic effects of ionising radiations
  • DNA repair and misrepair after irradiation, Signal transduction
  • DNA repair and mutagenesis
  • Epidemiology
  • Genetic susceptibility
  • Genomic and/or chromosomal instability
  • Bystander effects and adaptive response-mechanisms
  • Hormesis and adaptative response
  • Hyperthermia
  • Impact of dose rate on radiation effects
  • Immunological effects of radiation
  • Long term effects of radiation of the medical application of radiation
  • Low dose effects, protracted dose effects
  • Microdosimetry and nanodosimetry
  • Microenvironment modulation of radiation response
  • Micro-array and proteomic analysis
  • Models for radiation induced carcinogenesis
  • Models for estimation of radiation risk
  • Modification of radiation effects on mammalian tissues
  • Molecular biophysical approaches of radiation effects
  • Molecular and cellular responses
  • Mutagenesis, carcinogenesis
  • Novel biomarkers for population screening in low dose exposures
  • Non genotoxic effects of radiation and degenerative diseases
  • Non-targeted effects of ionising radiation
  • Occupational and environmental low dose and protracted exposure
  • Origin of chromosome aberration formation with low- and high-LET radiation
  • Oxygen effect revisited: ROS–antioxidants–hypoxia–O2 effect-radiosensitiser – NO
  • Photo-dermatology, photo-carcinogenesis
  • Radiation carcinogenesis
  • Radiation effects on non-human biota
  • Radiation epidemiology
  • Radiation Induced Bystander Effects, Adaptive Response, and  Genomic Instability
  • Radiation-induced inter- and intracellular signalling
  • Radiation risk and its significance in the total risk structure
  • Radiation-induced clustered DNA damage; biological relevance
  • Radiation protection
  • Radiation physics and chemistry
  • Radiation quality: differences and similarities
  • Radioecology and dosimetry of biota
  • Radioprotectors and radiosensitizers
  • Radon exposure and remediation
  • Repair of radiation induced DNA double strand breaks in cells, repair pathways, new aspects
  • Residue management
  • Signalling and DSB repair
  • Stem cells and radiation
  • Threshold approaches: praises and critics
  • Tumor angiogenesis, cytokines, chemokines
  • Validity of the linear non-threshold model
  • Use of probes to detect DNA damage processing in cells
  • UV-irradiation and nucleotide excision repair
  • Validity of the linear – non-threshold model
  • Dosimetric aspects of high and low LET radiation energy deposition
  • On the intrinsic radiation sensitivity of stem cells and tissues
  • Cellular signalling and Low dose and low dose rate effects
  • Induction of secondary cancers by ionizing radiation
  • Detection and genotoxic consequences of complex radiation damage
  • Oxidative metabolism and the radiation response
  • The microenvironment and tissue responses to radiation
  • The bridge between radiobiology and epidemiology in predicting health risks
  • Radioecology
  • Water radiolysis: simulations towards understanding biological responses
  • DNA repair signalling: cross talk between survival and repair pathways
  • Non cancer effects
  • Role of the microenvironment in tissue/tumor response to irradiation: Inflammation/Stroma
  • Cell cycle modulation for radiosensitization
  • Cell adhesion/migration in response to irradiation
  • Chromatin modifications and DNA damage response
  • Stem cell biology: relevance for radiation response of normal and tumor tissue
  • Autophagy: a double-edged sword in cellular radiation response; The relative roles of autophagy, apoptosis, necrosis, and senescence in the radiation response of normal tissues and tumours: dependence on dose, dose protraction, mutations.

International Scientific Committee

Dr. Dietrich AVERBECK, France
Dr. Edouard AZZAM, USA
Pr. Dimitry BAZYKA, Ukraine
Pr. Emeritus Ludwig E. FEINENDEGEN, Germany
Dr. Nicolas FORAY, France
Pr. Emeritus Leonid ILYIN, Russia
Dr. Emeritus Sohei KONDO, Japan
Dr. William MORGAN, USA

Pr. Carmel MOTHERSILL, Ireland
Pr. Emeritus Maurice TUBIANA, France

Abstract Submission to

Deadline: October 15th 2012 - Notification of Acceptance: November 1st 2012

Abstract Instructions

Maximum 400 word text in English, Word document format, Times New Roman font size 12
Organize abstract by paragraphs: Objectives, Methods, Results and Conclusions
Title, authors' names and affiliation
Authors' names (first initial and last name) separated by commas; Underline presenting author
Affiliation address, phone, fax and E-mail.

Accepted authors should register for conference attendance.

Selected papers will be published by the International Journal of Low Radiation, a SCI indexed publication

For more information:

nicolas foray@inserm.fr


After acceptance of registration, an email will be sent some days after. Then, you will have to proceed to payment before the 1st December 2012

Regular payment mode is international bank transfer (see below). Once payment is validated, you will receive a final email to confirm your registration.

Bank address :

Owner : Société Internationale de Radiobiologie de Langue Francaise (SIRLAF)
RIB : 30004 00617 00010291387 80
IBAN: FR76 3000 4006 1700 0102 9138 780


The site of the Congress will take place at

Tél. : (33) 4 72 77 70 00; Fax. : (33) 4 78 42 94 84;
E mail : charlemagne@hotel-lyon.fr

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